Trailer Talk: Seeing Red

It's me, dreamrot! Back again for the feature that still doesn't have a nifty lamb related logo, Trailer Talk.

1999 was a magical year. Aside from being the year that The Phantom Menace was released, it was also the last time a major studio ran a red band trailer in a movie theater. At least according to Wikipedia, the gatekeepers of truth and integrity on the internet. And, you know what they say, if you read it on the interweb, it must be true.

All was not lost though. In recent years, we've witnessed the re-emergence of the red band trailer right here in our collective backyard, the internet. Studios left and right are releasing racier trailers online where only those who are truly old enough can view them. Safe and secure behind the impenetrable security of drop down menu age verification.

Naturally, they have to be held behind lock and key in such a way because they contain racier language, violence and occasionally, even a little brief nudity. All of those, things that we must keep away from anyone under the arbitrary age of EXACTLY 17 years. 16 years and 364 days old? Tough titties, bub, you're just too damned young. Come back at midnight when you're mature enough for this sort of thing. You need those extra couple hours of life to really get what's going on here.

And, since sex, violence and swearing make EVERYTHING BETTER, it stands to reason that red band trailers are far superior to the normal green band trailer.

Don't believe me? Watch this:

Ok, not bad. For the sake of comparison though, check this out:

Much better! The first was a movie that looked like a couple of jerks told their life story over a game of checkers. The second, the red band trailer, made it look like comedy gold!

So, LAMBers (okay that's awful, I need to think of something better next time. LAMBers just sounds weird. Does it sound weird to you? I mean, it makes sense in a way. If LAMB is The Large Association of Movie Blogs then LAMBers would be The Large Association of Movie Bloggers, right?), what are some of the funniest red band trailers you've seen?