It's A Wonderful LAMB: The Dark of the Matinee

Let's go back in time yet again. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, sometime contributor Nick started up this feature where he took another look at an "old" LAMB that he enjoyed. It was a fine idea, and one that I always wanted to pick up should he ever be unable to. Well, it's been six months or so, and it's high time another site gets some love. I know my position as editor/shepherd of the LAMB puts me in an odd spot in terms of calling someone out (for what would the other 200 LAMBs think?), but my answer to that is this: join me! If you think there's a LAMB out there that deserves special mention, one that you read regularly but you don't understand why more people don't, become a contributor and put up one of these yourself! Now, it's my turn.

Blog Name: The Dark of the Matinee
Posting Name: The Mad Hatter
Country of Origin: Canada
LAMB Number: 120

Other: As I started to think about who I wanted to feature here, I perused my Google Reader for the sites that I read often. As I perused those, I started to think about why it is that I read them. What is it that I like about them? Is it something they do that's wildly inventive and/or unique? Are they writers with distinctive voices? Do they just post a lot of pictures of scantily-clad women? I'm diverse - I like sites that do all of these things!

Well, when it came to The Dark of the Matinee, what I saw and liked was, vainly, a bit of myself. Don't deny it - it's human nature for us to identify and align ourselves with those whom we feel kindred towards. Not only does the Hatter write a similarly structured blog to my own, with a balanced mix of reviews, lists, and editorials, but his profile shows (outside of the classic films that I'm averse to) a number of shared favorite films, but on top of that, an eclectic musical taste similar to my own and a love for sports. He could be my Canadian brother from another mother (and father, too!).

If all that weren't enough, he even named his blog after a Franz Ferdinand song (great band) and continues to title most non-review posts using song titles from artists of all spectrums (recent examples include "Hungry Like The Wolf" and "Machinehead"). An excellent personal touch that could keep you busy (guessing the artist and/or listening to the music) for hours all by itself.

The Hatter's just posted his best of for 2008. No surprise...he's got great taste. ;)