LAMB Report #10

No time for love, Dr. Jones...

The annual countdown of our own top 10 films of the year is on now! But it ends on January 15th, so go here and vote now. If you want to check out last year's edition, click here. There's a scant 44 votes in this year's edition as of right this second - what's the holdup? Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain when The Dark Knight is voted as the top flick of 2008.

The LAMB Devours the Oscars!! (Sign-up time!)
It's almost time! If you weren't a member, here's the quick skinny: last year, we had an event where a different LAMB wrote up an analysis of each award that the Academy would be handing out. I got commitments from everyone, took volunteers for the "lesser" categories and randomly assigned the major ones. What we ended up with was a diverse, excellently-written daily series timed to lead up and stop on the day prior to the Oscars. It was linked to IMDb's Hit List and was generally an all-around hit for all involved, I dare say.

If you're interested in taking part this year, please respond to this to me via email ( Serious interest only, please, as we can't have empty days. There are but 24 categories at the Academy Awards, so it'll be first come, first served for starters. If you have interest in a category outside of the majors (for these purposes, I consider the majors to be all Acting awards, as well as those for Best Director, Picture, both Screenplay awards, Foreign Language Film and Documentary Feature), let me know as well, and there's a good chance you'll get it. More details as we near the starting date, which ought to be right around the end of January (the Oscars ceremony will be held on February 22nd).

Quick reminders about the LAMB's recurring features
* LAMB MOTM is White Man's Burden. Links due by January 30th at midnight. Send your links to

* Cinema Fist's own Joseph Campanella emcees our monthly blog-a-thon. LAMBlog-a-thon Vol. 3 runs from January 17-20. Send links to More details can be found here.

* Dreamrot of $7 Popcorn hosts Trailer Talk every Tuesday (or thereabouts). Best trailer talk on the interwebs.

* Meanwhile, Work 'n' Play (aka Carla of Tricky Movie Trivia) tries to Stump the LAMBs every other Sunday, and the questions are nice and difficult.

* The best of the LAMBs is put up every Wednesday by Caitlin as a part of LAMB Chops. If you aren't submitting yours, you're missing out on some great publicity.

* The best reviewed film of the year (so far) by the LAMBs was just revealed Monday morning in the latest edition of LAMBScores. Can you guess what it is?

My apologies to the few that submitted Plugs to me (StinkyLulu, Invasion of the B Movies) some time ago, as your Plugs are outdated now. The lone active one I have is below:

* This is an announcement to let you all know that the previously announced Early Howard Hawks Blog-a-thon is happening now. It will run from today, January 12, until January 23. During this time, my blog Only The Cinema will be exclusively devoted to the films Hawks made up until 1936, and I'll also be soliciting and posting links to writing about these early Hawks films from many other bloggers and critics.Here's the link to the central post which will be continuously updated over the next 2 weeks with new links to reviews and essays:

If you have a post about early Hawks that you'd like to include in the blog-a-thon, just leave a comment on that post or drop me an e-mail letting me know. And if you've been kind enough to help me announce and promote this event over the past month or so, please update all your links to the original announcement to point to the above post instead.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from everyone. I'm excited about all the great Hawks writing that should come pouring in over the course of the next couple of weeks.


Got a Plug of your own for the next installment? Email me via the Contact button above or post it at the LAMB Forums.