Trailer Talk: And The Nominees Are...

I see Fletch has been busy with the year end best of stuff and now the upcoming Oscar festivities. Devouring the Oscars, huh? Neat.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to work my way through some awful late-into-early year writer's block.

The Oscar stuff got me thinking though...what if the winner of the Best Picture award were selected solely by it's trailer. Obviously, a lot more effort would go into them, but that's not what I mean. And I don't mean, what was the best trailer of last year. Just, looking at the trailer, if that was ALL you had to go on, who would win?

Imagine that you're some guy looking to jump into an office Oscar pool. You haven't seen any of the five movies, something I can relate to actually, but your selections are due tomorrow. There's no time to see them all! You run (metaphorically) to the YouTube and look up the movies. You watch the trailers and hope for the best.

So, watch the trailers and then vote for the winner. As much as you can, imagine that you haven't seen the movies. Try to base your guess off of that. Let's see what happens.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:



The Reader:

Slumdog Millionaire:

Go ahead and vote, and we'll see how close we come to the winner. The poll will close the Sunday before the Oscars, Feb 15th at Midnight.