The envelope please...

You know how they say possession is 9/10 of the law? Well, I'm in possession of the prizes for the LAMB Oscars Pool, so guess what - I win them!

Just kidding - what I meant to say was this: You know how they say possession is 9/10 of the law? Well, apparently proximity is 9/10 of winning Oscars Pools.

He probably already knows he won, but Mikey Filmmaker of Spaghetti Sauce and Sweet Peas, the only LAMB (that I know of) that lives within walking distance of the Kodak Theater, is the winner of the LAMB's 2009 Oscars Pool!

Mikey won it all by getting an awesome 21/24 categories correct, only missing Best Documentary Short Subject and the two Sound categories. Mikey was also the last person to enter the Pool.

After him, it was a six-way tie for second, between Noonan, Jonathan W., Nick P., Indalecio D., Todd B., and David T. Last year's winner, Sean R., did not participate.

I will be in contact with Mikey shortly to work out the details for his prizes. Thanks to all for playing.

By the way, I finished 59th out of 66 with a whopping 11 correct, and I also lost the annual Fletch Family Oscar Pool for the first time in god-knows-how-long to Mrs. Fletch by a score of 17-15. Not my year for psychic abilities, I guess.

The complete results will be posted later.