Happy Pre-Valentine's Day Competition!

As is our tradition at this time of year, our thoughts turn to that great Valentine of photography – Harry Callahan’s photographs of his wife Eleanor.

This year I was reminded by a review of Callahan’s Eleanor pictures on The College Hill Independent – a lively alternative weekly webzine written, designed and illustrated by Brown and RISD students for the Providence community. I was particularly impressed by the articulate and thoughtful writing of Min Wu ('09) and delighted by the serendipity of the fact that the High Museum’s acclaimed show “Harry Callahan: Eleanor” is currently on view at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art through February 15. So if you happen to be in the Providence area – run, don't walk!

A quick Google search looking for images to illustrate this post with then led me to Shoot Like You, an uncredited and apparently abandoned teaching blog where one of the lessons was about re-creating one of the most iconic Callahan/Eleanor images – the close up of Eleanor’s face cradled by her own arms. This seemed like a good idea for a competition and so here is the simple challenge: send in your own version of this iconic image to info@danzigerprojects.com. I'll accept entries for the next week. The winner (as well as getting their picture posted) will get a copy of the High Museum’s beautiful catalog of the show and a box of chocolates!

The Callahan original

The un-manipulated homage from "Shoot Like You"

The worked on homage from "Shoot Like You"