Trailer Talk: The Award For Best Trailer Goes To...

This is so exciting. Aren't you excited? I'm excited. The votes have been cast and calculated, and I even rented myself a good blogging tux. I have to say though, I think I should have rented this thing earlier. It doesn't really fit right. The arms are a little short and the pants...well, they're more like shorts. I mean, if I went outside, I might end up with snow on my shins. Here I am though, in a strangely itchy and ill fitting tux to announce the winner of our award for Best Trailer!

What do you mean, why did I rent a tux? Hello? I'm presenting an award people. This is pretty prestigious. Glamorous even. One might even call it...where's my thesaurus..ah! Here we go, one might even call this illustrious!

Huh? What do you mean no one can see me? I got cut from the telecast? Those bastards!

That's not the reason? What do you mean it's not a real award?! It is too a real award. Sure, I'm not giving out fancy gift bags full of free stuff to glitzy celebrities. They've got enough crap already. And besides, as I learned yesterday, I don't exactly have the budget for that (or my tux for that matter. Learned that lesson a little too late. I mean, do you even realize how hard it is to find someplace where you can rent a tuxedo tshirt? I mean, come on! It's impossible! I wonder if I can deduct it on my taxes...), I apparently have a budget of...well, that's not important.

What's important, as everyone gets ready to start their liveblog of the event, is that we hand out today's first award. The LAMBcademy has spoken. Let's get a drumroll and we'll review the nominees.

Okay...there's no money in the budget for the drumroll. like Mr Rogers taught you and pretend.

*imaginary drumroll*

The Dark Knight
Revolutionary Road
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Burn After Reading (Red Band)
Let The Right One In
Man on Wire
Slumdog Millionaire

And the envelope please? *sigh* Ok...

*imaginary envelope*

The winner of the LAMBcademy Award for Best Trailer goes to:


Congratulations, once again to Sean Penn, Gus Van Sant and the rest of that merry gang.

It was a close contest with Milk taking the prize with 27.27% of the vote. The Dark Knight and Revolutionary Road tied for second place with 22.73% and none of the others even made it to 10%.

Thanks for voting everyone. I hope this was as fun as you as it was for me. Now to return this tuxedo. Hopefully they don't notice the mustard stain.