Trailer Talk: Super Bowl Sunday Special

So, what was your favorite Super Bowl movie ad? Anything you're looking forward to a little bit more than you were a few hours ago? Something that you saw and liked that you didn't think you would? Anything you saw and thought you'd like but looked bad in the ad?

Me? Well, since you asked...

Land of the Lost looks like it will have good effect, but it will suffer from the same thing all of Will Ferrel's movies suffer overabundance of Will Ferrell.

There's something that I like about the ads I've seen for Race to Witch Mountain. I think it might be that the Rock doesn't seem like the Rock. And, that's a good thing.

Up will probably deliver the same Pixar goodness that Pixar always seems to deliver.

I'm still excited about Star Trek. I don't really have a good feeling about it though.

I didn't see the first Transformers, but if I had to guess, I'd say the sequel will be more of the same. It does make me wonder though how they can pump out a sequel for a movie like that so quickly. It seems like it would take longer. By the time you put a script together and got a good crew, shot it and did all the CGI effects...maybe it's just me though.

I think I missed the GI Joe ad. I must have, I didn't see it. Was it any good? Did it look interesting?