It's A Wonderful LAMB: Tractor Facts

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, sometime contributor Nick started up this feature where he took a second look at an "old" LAMB that he was a fan of. It was a fine idea, and one that I always wanted to pick up should he ever be unable to. Well, it's high time another site gets some love. I know my position as editor/shepherd of the LAMB puts me in an odd spot in terms of calling someone out (for what would the other 250+ LAMBs think?), but my answer to that is this: join me! If you think there's a LAMB out there that deserves special mention, one that you read regularly but you don't understand why more people don't, become a contributor and put up one of these yourself! For now, it's my turn.

Blog Name: Tractor Facts
Posting Name: Fox
Country of Origin: USA
LAMB Number: 66

Other: There are few bloggers I can think of that are more diverse than Fox and his, um, wonderful Tractor Facts site. A look at some of his recent posts shows everything from DVD reviews of I've Love You So Long and 1950's Magnificent Obsession to a photo-analysis of Don Johnson's death in Guilty As Sin to theatrical reviews of He's Just Not That Into You and Wendy & Lucy to an editorial about 3-D porn. Simply put, there seems to be no genre he's not intimately familiar with, no question too important and/or inane to ask, and no picture or marketing piece (posters, etc.) he's not willing to dissect all for our reading pleasure.

And all that really interests me and intimidates me at the same time. There are scads of people out there smarter than me (about film and life in general) - but rare is the person that can school you in the socio-political realm just as easily as they can in the pop culture one. And some times, he combines all of that knowledge with a grain of salt and compares the Pope to Robert Blake circa Lost Highway.

Be warned, though: he's got a strong rebellious streak. I'm pretty sure I've called him as much in the past, but Fox can be quite the contrarian. The Dark Knight? Slumdog? Man on Wire? It's a good bet that it a film is almost universally loved by critics, our man at Tractor Facts is no fan...though he's more than happy to give you a detailed explaination of just why that is, and don't be surprised if you find yourself agreeing with those opinions, or at least questioning your own.