It's A Wonderful LAMB: 353 Haiku Movie Review.

I apologize for the lateness of this edition of Wonderful LAMB. Let's just say life took over. Last week was kinda crazy. Anywho, let's do this.


Blog Name: 353 Haiku Movie Review.
Posting Name: There's a slew of them, it seems. But the "About Me" section refers to Colleen.
Country of Origin: Canada (at least Colleen).
LAMB Number: 72.

Other: I really can't help doing this:

Eclectic Film Taste
Haikus, Podcasts, And Fun Stuff
Unique Reviewing

Additional Syllables: The blog will also apparently add a few extra sentences if need be in a section called "Additional Syllables." But otherwise, they seem to stick pretty regularly to the 353 Haiku Review format. I know this is short, but I felt it was fitting for the theme (and I'm not just being lazy... I swear... mostly). They're a really interesting site with a totally unique reviewing method. And they have podcasts. Yup.