Brutally Blunt Blog Blustering #10: Cinema Viewfinder

It's Blusterin' Time!

But before we begin, a note: please consider Blustering your fellow LAMB, especially if you're one of the nearly 20 people that have requested to be blustered. There's no reason why the last site to be blustered (Napier's News) received but one comment. I'm not saying that there needs to be a dozen or two comments every time out, but the bluster requestors/bluster commentors proportion clearly needs to be tipped a little bit in the other direction. Thanks.

If you're new to this feature or need a refresher, click the label at the bottom of this post and see the first few posts. Otherwise, here's the basics:

What I'll do is list a site; you're asked to critique it. But here's the catch: to induce the most honest reactions, don't leave the comment using your normal alias/login - ins
tead, go anonymous, and be as brutally honest (or complimentary) as you wish to be. Also, be specific, and naturally, don't be rude. If I deem anything inappropriate, I'll have no problem deleting the comment.

So, go to the site listed below, familiarize yourself with it for a few minutes, then come back and leave some constructive criticism and/or comments that you have.

Site: Cinema Viewfinder
LAMB#: 163

If you're up for this treatment for your site (and you're a LAMB), send me an email with the subject "Bluster Me!" If you've already done so, no need to do it again - you're on the list, and these will be going up in order of when I received your email.