LAMB Chops!

I apologize for the recent lack of LAMB Chops. I had fully intended on keeping up with your submissions while on vacation, and then a lost bag at the airport containing my laptop prevented that from happening. Thank you for keeping your articles coming. Over the next week, I plan on doing LAMB Chops a little more frequently so I can include everything I've received so far.

Site Name: Cinematronica
Post Title/Link: 500 Days of Summer (2009) or I Blame Zooey Deschanel For My Hatred of All Romantic Comedies
Submitted By: Cinematronica

Site Name: Nevermind Popular Film
Post Title/Link: The Vault: Raging Bull & Boogie Nights
Submitted By: Nevermind Popular Film

Site Name: Video Updates
Post Title/Link: Pontypool & The Motif of Harmful Sensation
Submitted By: Video Updates

Site Name: Full Moon Reviews
Post Title/Link: Review: Savage Streets (1984)
Submitted By: Full Moon Reviews

Site Name: Pluck You, Too
Post Title/Link: The Mad Max-a-Thon!
Submitted By: Pluck You, Too, Radiator Heaven

Again, I apologize for the delay, but LAMB Chops is back on track. Send your submissions to