LAMB Report #12

It's that time of year when there's a lot going on at the LAMB - well, I guess there's always a lot, there's just even more now. Here are the highlights:

LAMB Top 10s
The poll for Foreign Films is up, but is very sad at the moment - it only has 6 votes. 12 days left: go here to submit your picks. Voting ends 1/24.

The LAMB Devours the Oscars!! (Sign-up time!)
It's almost here! If you weren't a member, here's the quick skinny: for the past two years, we've had an event where a different LAMB wrote up an analysis of each award that the Academy would be handing out. I got commitments from everyone, took volunteers for the "lesser" categories and randomly assigned the major ones. What we ended up with was a diverse, excellently-written daily series timed to lead up and stop on the day prior to the Oscars. It was linked to IMDb's Hit List and was generally an all-around hit for all involved, I dare say.

If you're interested in taking part this year, please respond to this to me via email ( Serious interest only, please, as we can't have empty days. There are but 24 categories at the Academy Awards, so it'll be first come, first served for starters. However, since the LAMB keeps growing yet the number of awards stays the same, I've come up with a brilliant (if I do say so myself) way to grow the event:

The nominations are handed out on February 2nd (3 weeks from today). The awards show is on March 7th. Typically, LAMB Devours the Oscars ends on the day before the show. The span of time from February 2nd to March 6th is 33 days. There are 24 categories, but everyone wants Best Picture. This year the field has been re-expanded to 10 films. If we split the category into 10, with one writer per film, that makes 10 Best Picture articles + 23 others. 33 Articles. 33 Days, starting on the day of the nominations and ending on the day before the show.

If you believe you will be able to have something written up immediately (on February 2nd), please let me know as I will need an article for that day (I might even ensure that you get one of the majors). Also, if you have interest in a category outside of the majors (for these purposes, I consider the majors to be all Acting awards, as well as those for Best Director, Picture, both Screenplay awards, Foreign Language Film and Documentary Feature), let me know as well, and there's a good chance you'll get it. More details to come as we near the starting date.

I'm pushing this back just a bit to coincide better with the Oscars event. Expect it to begin shortly after the Foreign Films poll ends.

LAMB Oscar Pool
Will being shortly after the nominations have been announced.

Quick reminders about some of the LAMB's recurring features:

* The LAMBs in the Director's Chair #5, spotlighting Clint Eastwood, is set to begin next Monday, January 18th. All of the latest news can be found here.

* Are you even aware that the LAMB has its own podcast (The LAMBcast, of course)? And that we've done 10 of them already? Did I just blow your mind? The 9th episode was posted recently, and the 10th, which perfectly coincidentally covers our favorites of 2009, is set to be posted later this week. Do check it out, won't you?

* Got a special event (blog-a-thon, meme, contest, etc.) of your own? Want some additional publicity? Send me your Plugs! Email me via the Contact button above or post it at the LAMB Forums.