LAMB Chops!

Today's Choice Chop comes from Whitney over at Dear Jesus. Over there, movies are they only God they believe in, and I have to say, I'm considering conversion. She wrote an article called What Does Your Alice Look Like. It was submitted by Whitney, as well as by El Gringo at He Shot Cyrus. She takes a look at the story of Alice in Wonderland and ponders on how it would be, coming from different directors. Some of the directors include: Lars von Trier--Dakota Fanning would play Alice, accompanied by a much darker version of the Mad Hatter (Willem Dafoe). Or Sofia Coppola--where Alison Lohman would be the lead, and would enjoy smoking a bowl with the friendly Catepiller, played by Bill Murray. This article is hilarious, and you should all take a moment to read it here.

The rest of the chops:

Site Name: Movie Mobsters
Submitted By: Fandango Groovers Movie Blog

Site Name: Fandango Groovers Movie Blog
Post Title/Link: Review: Chloe
Submitted By: Fandango Groovers Movie Blog

Site Name: The Lightning Bug's Lair
Submitted By: The Lightning Bug's Lair

Site Name: Stop the Planet of the Apes... I want to get off
Submitted By: Stop the Planet of the Apes... I want to get off

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