Classic Chops

Hello, fellow LAMBs…I’d like to take a quick moment or two to introduce myself. My name is Ivan G. Shreve, Jr. (Hmm…raised eyebrows and a slight gasp…the usual reaction...) I’m just one of the many movie mavens who’s proud to be a member of The Large Association of Movie Blogs…perhaps you’re familiar with my blog, Thrilling Days of Yesteryear.

(chirping crickets)

Well…no matter. The reason why I’m eating up bandwidth is to give you the skinny on a brand new feature that’s being introduced here at the LAMB: one that for a lack of a better title we call “Classic Chops.” Just as the “LAMB Chops” links to essays about films and “Bloody Chops” to posts on horror/science fiction/B-flicks, “Classic Chops” will perform a similar function, concentrating on classic movies.

What defines a “classic,” you may be asking? I e-mailed a few of my fellow classic movie bloggers and we decided that the best definition was to use that yardstick that determines which movies are discussed in the old movies buffs’ bible, Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie Guide. On the cover, Len’s book reads “from the silent era through 1965”—and we felt that was as good a classification as any. So “Classic Chops” will highlight essays on films released in 1965 and before, allowing those bloggers with a passion for old movies to have a bit more of a presence here at the LAMB.

Now, as Phil Donahue was often fond of saying: “Help me out here, people…I can’t do this alone.” And truer words were never spoken—the success of what I hope will be a long running feature here at the LAMB depends on submissions from supporters like you. If you’ve written a post on a pre-1965 film recently…or even not so recently...why not submit a link to same by e-mailing me at By that same token, you can also volunteer a link from some other LAMB’s blog that falls within the same parameters…particularly if that individual’s a little on the shy side. Since the inaugural “Classic Chops” post will begin June 2, I ask only that you submit links to me no later than 6:00pm EDT on June 1st.

I have to tell you, I’m pretty stoked about this venture and I’m going to give it 100% to make sure it’s a success. But again, it will mostly come from you – if you have any suggestions, comments, questions, petty gripes, recipes, etc. feel free to address them to me at the aforementioned Classic Chops e-mail. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as it’s possible…barring famine, flood or a case of the sniffles.

Hoopy-doopy, we’ll have fun! We now return you to your regularly scheduled LAMB post, already in progress.