Scene of the Crime: Thoughts on I Spit On Your Grave
Killed by: Four of Them
Victim: Scare Sarah
Scene of the Crime: "You've got red on you"
Killed by: Scare Sarah
Victim: MiNG Movie Reviews
Scene of the Crime: The Thing (1982)
Killed by: Klaus Ming
Victim: Bill's Movie Emporium
Scene of the Crime: Review: BoodRayne (2005, Unrated)
Killed by: Cinema Sights
Victim: Cinema Sights
Scene of the Crime: Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (1984)
Killed by: Cinema Sights
Victim: Top10Films
Scene of the Crime: Top 10 Science-Fiction Horror Films
Killed by: Top10Films
Victim: Strange Kids Club
Scene of the Crime: Trailer Terrors: Fright Show (1985)
Killed by: Strange Kid
Victim: Marshall and the Movies
Scene of the Crime: Review: Splice (D+)
Killed by: Marshall and the Movies
Victim: My Floating Red Couch
Scene of the Crime: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Killed by: My Floating Red Couch
Victim: Strange Kids Club
Scene of the Crime: New Splatterhouse Footage from E3! [NSFW]
Killed by: Strange Kid
Thanks to everyone who sent in Bloody Chops! Super bloody this week. Watch your step.
Now I need regular chops! Send those in by Midnight Monday EST to weeklylambchops@gmail.com using this format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
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Thanks and have a killer weekend.
(I can't believe I haven't used that before. I must be slippin in my old age.)