LAMB Chops: June 15th

Site: MiNG Movie Reviews
OSS 117: Lost in Rio (2009)
Submitted by: Klaus Ming

Site: The 8th-Circuit
Movie Trailer Monday: Israeli Tanks, British Puppets and Norwegian Ninjas
Submitted by: The 8th-Circuit

Site: Detailed Criticisms
Inception Fever: Posters and Banners
Submitted by: Detailed Criticisms

Site: Magic Lantern Film Blog
Top 10 Movie Scenes That ALWAYS Bring on the Waterworks
Submitted by: Detailed Criticisms

Site name:
Sublime Soundtrack: Toy Story
Submitted by

Site: My Floating Red Couch
Waterworld (and how John Carpenter would've made it better)
Submitted by:My Floating Red Couch

Site: Anomalous Material
Movie Review: The Thin Red Line (1998)
Submitted by: My Floating Red Couch

Site: You Talking To Me?
Filmic Measures - Where's the Airship Movies
Submitted by: Big Thoughts From A Small Mind

Site Name: Strange Kids Club
Lost Signals: Family Matters (1989)
Submitted by: Strange Kid

Site Name:
Top 10 Robert Zemeckis Films
Submitted by:

Now I need your Bloody Chops, your horror related posts. Send those to using the following format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted by:

Have those in by midnight Friday EST and you very well could see them up on Saturday. Thanks and have a good week!