LAMB Chops: June 29th

Site: Magic Lantern Film Blog
The Top 5 Performances by the Legendary Marlon Brando
Submitted by: Peter Eramo, Jr.

Site: Marshall and the Movies
Toy Story 3
Submitted by: Marshall and the Movies

Site: The 8th-Circuit
Exclusive: Interview with Mike Chance, Director of Project Arbiter
Submitted by: The 8th-Circuit

Site: Bloggin' Bin Revue
Bad Movies, Good Eats: Jamaican Me Watch Cutthroat Island Edition
Submitted by: Bargain Bin Review

Site: Fandango Groovers
The Dark Knight Returns, for one last time!
Submitted by: Fandango Groovers

Site: The List
Submitted by: Fandango Groovers

Site: Top10Films
Top 50 Films of the 2000s
Submitted by: Top10Films

Site: jdbrecords
Review of "Blue Sky" (1994)
Submitted by: jdbrecords

Site: Does Writing Excuse Watching?
Should She Take Her Top Off?
Submitted by: joem18b

Site: The 8th-Circuit
Review: Salvage
Submitted by: The 8th-Circuit

Thanks to everybody who submitted in Chops for this week! Keep em coming at AND by using the following format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted by:

Also, start sending in those Bloody Chops for Saturday. Have them in by Midnight Friday night EST. Send THOSE in to, using the same format as above.

See ya Saturday!