LAMB Chops: July 13th

It's a day late, but it's July 13th somewhere...I think.

Anyway, this is the housecleaning edition, featuring every chop that's been sent to me that I haven't gotten around to posting. If your post isn't listed here, then I didn't get it, or it was just a link to your main site and that doesn't quite count. Sorry. Anyway, here we go.

Our Favourite Devils, Satans, Lucifers, and Beelzebubs
Submitted by:

Site: Fandango Groovers
Fandango Locations "Then and Now"
Submitted by: Fandango Groovers

Site: m. carter @ the movies
The Big 2-9
Submitted by: Fandango Groovers

Site: Top10Films
Top10Films Awards - 2000s
Submitted by: Top10Films

Site: Detailed Criticisms
Inception Fever: Trailers
Submitted by: Detailed Criticisms

Site: Does Writing Excuse Watching?
Submitted by: Does Writing Excuse Watching?

Site: Plus Trailers
The Creative Wasteland: Why You Need To See "Inception" This July
Submitted by: Plus Trailers

Site: The 8th-Circuit
Matt's Rantbox: E3 and LAFF 2010
Submitted by: The 8th-Circuit

Site: Magic Lantern Film Blog
A Few Words on Mel Gibson's Latest Rant
Submitted by: Peter Eramo, Jr.

Site: Top10Films
A Decade of Soulless Remakes and Re-imaginings: Horror in the 2000s
Submitted by: Top10Films

Site: Strange Kids Club
(Re)Animations Extended Play: USA's Cartoon Express
Submitted by: Strange Kids Club

Site: Strange Kids Club
Lost Signals: Aliens in the Family
Submitted by: Strange Kids Club

Site: Strange Kids Club
Top 5 Fan Made Predator Slugfests
Submitted by: Strange Kids Club

Site: jdbrecords
Review of "The Kids Are All Right"
Submitted by: jdbrecords

Site: Plus Trailers
Movie Review - Exit Through The Gift Shop
Submitted by: Plus Trailers

Site: The Dark of The Matinee
Township Rebellion
Submitted by: Fandango Groovers

Ok, the email box is empty. Let's fill 'er up! Send in some more Chops for next week, which I promise I'll post on time.
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted by:

Anyway, thanks and again, sorry.