Trailer Talk Thursday: Sucker Punch and Jackass 3-D

Hey everybody, Travis from The Movie Encyclopedia here for another edition of Trailer Talk Thursday where I bring you the latest and greatest trailers to hit the silver screen. Today we are going to be tackling two films, both that are sure to generate a lot of talk...for different reasons. First is Sucker Punch.

Sucker Punch is the first original film from Zack Synder. Zack Snyder, director of 300, Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Watchmen, has made a name for himself in films. Despite only having made 4 movies so far (the fourth coming out later this year) his films have garnered a lot of attention. 300 has been called one of the best action films ever. Watchmen has been highly talked about as a flawed masterpiece adaptation or a total abomination of the source material. Dawn of the Dead has been called one of the best horror remakes ever. But the thing with Snyder is he is a love/hate director: you either revel his work or damn it.

So when Zack announced his newest film, an original at that (something he's never done), it garnered a lot of attention at Comic-Con. And when that trailer was shown people were left speechless. Here it is:
So what do I think?: I think it's going to be amazing. The whole evil mental institution idea has been done before but not like this. Not to the point where people imagine a dream world full of robots, ninja's, mech suits, dragons and deep space battles. It's beautiful to look at, the story sounds extremely intriguing (girl gets taken to evil mental institution, escapes into another reality to hide from pain and plans to escape whilst still partially in alternate reality) and it's Snyder. You either love over the top slo-fast-mo or not.

In one sentence: One flew over the female 300.

I was going to talk about Skyline for my second trailer but nothing really happens besides talking heads saying Stephen Hawking was right and blue lights hitting Earth. So instead I'll talk about one that leaves a lot of people scratching their heads:

Jackass 3-D. As a teenager of the 2000s I loved Jackass. A bunch of idiots beating themselves up for a cheap laugh. It's low brow entertainment at it's best. And the first two movies were good. Granted it was no Godfather but it was what you expect but with a slightly bigger budget.

But that was then and this is now. Since the second movie we haven't really seen a whole lot of the guys. Every now and again they'll do a special on how they're doing and they even had a poorly selling video game, but for all intents and purposes Jackass was over. They had their last hurrah and were done. Some of them continued onward to do other things (Foxworthy film, Margera TV) but the craze was over and people were over Jackass. Heck even other shows like Nitro Circus, The Dudesons and Rob Dydreck's shows took over in their place.

So I'm really at a loss when I hear in 2010, 10 years after the show started and four years after their last appearance on television or film, they decide to come out with a third film, in 3-D no less. Although in it's defense compared to the Last Airbender and Step-Up, this probably fits in the 3-D bracket better than those films. At least with this one they can use 3-D to make us laugh on purpose.

But I did laugh and I guess this IS a good 10th anniversary present. But still I'm a bit hesitant at the idea of yet ANOTHER Jackass film. So without further ado here is the trailer:

What do all of you think? Does Jackass deserve another film? Has 3-D run it's course? Is Sucker Punch awesome? Zack Snyder: Yay or nay?

Tell me what you think in the comments and I will see you all next Thursday.