Classic Chops: September 1st

Good news, everyone! With the first Classic Chops of the month, the LAMB feature dedicated to spotlighting posts on vintage movies…goes on a diet. (Our ribs are definitely showing…we’re now down to five posts a week.) The post highlighted in red is part of the 1st Annual Bronko Nagurski Memorial Football Flick Fest, currently going at My Floating Red Couch until September 3rd.

Site Name: Immortal Ephemera
In Old Chicago (1937) starring Power, Ameche, Faye, with a Biographical Aside about Oscar Winner Alice Brady
Submitted by: Immortal Ephemera

Site Name: Screen Insight
The Ring (Alfred Hitchcock, 1927)
Submitted by: Screen Insight

Site Name: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Last Man on Earth, The (1964)
Submitted by: Cold Fusion Video Reviews

Site Name: My Floating Red Couch
Pigskin Parade (or Rah Rah Siss Boom Bah!)
Submitted by: My Floating Red Couch

Site Name: Does Writing Excuse Watching?
You Can’t Take It With You (1938)
Submitted by: Does Writing Excuse Watching?

Classic Chops enthusiastically welcomes any essay or post you’ve composed on a film classic—and even though I originally set the criterion at films released in 1965 and before, I have “cheated” a little and included films after that date that I don’t think too many people would dispute are “classics.” Just remember, send your submissions to by next Tuesday (September 6) at 6:00pm EDT…and any questions, comments, suggestions and cereal box-tops should be addressed to that same e-mail address as well. Until next time…see you at the movies!