LAMB #837 - Literally Geeking
Site Name: Literally Geeking
Categories: General, Classic Film, Lists
Rating: PG
What is the main focus of your site?
Site does not follow any particular focus, mainly contains whatever enters my head at a certain time as well as excerpts from academic essays I have written.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
I'm studying towards a degree in English and Film and hope to improve my writing on film through blogging, as well as having an outlet to discuss my interests.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students?
An interactive community..any opposing opinions welcome :)
How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
The site has been active since March 2010 but has not had too many updates until recently.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
Moulin Rouge, True Romance, Lord of the Rings
How did you hear about the LAMB?
Through the Total Film weekly email newsletter.
Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that's not listed above.