Our fifth "award" for presentation is for the Worst Films of the Year. There were a total of 50 voters, some who placed votes for five films, while others named just their top two or three stinkers. Here, we honor the top five vote-getters.
Counting down, from fifth to first (votes to follow):

5. 10,000 B.C. (18 points from 6 voters)
4. Jumper (19 points from 7 voters)
3. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (20 points from 5 voters)
2. The Love Guru (27 points from 8 voters)
1. The Happening (43 points from 14 voters)
The bonus award for Best Out-there Vote is split amongst two voters: Dreamrot of $7 Popcorn and Scott of Mendelson's Memos each put in a vote for The Dark Knight as their worst film of the year. Really, guys - worst of the year? (It should be noted that Scott also voted for The Dark Knight as his second-best film of the year. Hmmmm.)
Next up...Best Actress. Stay tuned to the LAMB for more of the LIONs, culminating with our Top 10 Films of 2008.