LAMB MOTM Reminder: December...and January

I have good news and bad news and good news and - well, frankly, I've lost count. I'll just put it in the order I learned it: There were zero entries for December's MOTM, White Man's Burden, suggested by DJ at Matte Havoc. That's some bad news. However, since the holidays no doubt had something to do with this, I've decided that we ought to extend this through January. So get it, watch it, review it and send me the link to your review by January 30th at 12:00 p.m. CST, with LAMB MOTM in your subject line.

You also might notice that Rachel (of Rachel's Reel Reviews) is not the one posting this. Due to extra-bloggeral circumstances, she will not be able to handle the MOTM hosting duties for some time, though she may return at some point in the future. My many, many thanks to Rachel for being our gracious host here all these months.

But back to business. See White Man's Burden. Review it. Send the link to your review and your rating (LAMB Love, In LAM(B)iddle, or LAMB Loathe) to And while you're at it, send your own suggestion for a future MOTM (I don't have the list).

If you're not really sure what all this MOTM talk is about, check related posts here, or email me with questions.