Hello. It's Joe Campanella here back with another
Yes, I know, I've been gone for a while but now I'm back,
with a vengence, as they say.

One thing I've been doing on my hiatus from film blogging
(besides making a movie) is watching
a lot of TV on DVD, something I'd never really done before.
See, I didn't really care for the way
TV was written, shot or acted. But to my suprise,
there were more than a handful of television
shows that have flown by my radar that
are better than most films out at the theatre.
This got me thinking, how can I use the lamblog-a-thon to my advantage?
Then it came to me...I'll have you guys suggest more great television!

This month, write about your
favorite TV show that's got a filmic vibe.
It could be any show you want and you
can spin the term "filmic vibe" to mean anything you want.
The blog-a-thon will be held from
April 20th-23rd right here on the LAMB.
Send the links to your post to