Brutally Blunt Blog Blustering: Blog Cabins

[Editor's Note: I had the idea for this feature probably a year ago, which is when I wrote the bulk of this post. I have no idea why I never posted it or what I might have been waiting for to post it, but frankly, I'm just tired of looking at it in my list of posts (I always put the Drafts on top so they serve as constant reminders to "finish this post!"). So, here it is..]

If you're a member or have gone to any number of blog directories (i.e. BlogCatalog), you can't help but notice the opportunity to rate anyone's site. Be it out of 5 or 10 stars, everybody wants to be rated, and everybody wants the top score. Additionally, you might find threads in a Community section with individuals asking for or offering to give blog reviews. Some of these are beneficial; many are not.

What none of them really are is from their peers, and certainly not from people who just might visit that particular site on a regular basis. Which led me to thinking that maybe we could provide this service to each other. What I'll do is list a site; all you're asked to do, should you wish to, is critique it. But here's the catch: to hopefully induce the most honest reactions, I'm asking that you don't leave the comment using your normal alias/login - instead, go anonymous, and be as brutally honest (or complimentary) as you wish to be. Also, be specific, and naturally, don't be rude. If I deem anything inappropriate, I'll have no problem deleting the comment.

Since this has the potential to be a disaster, I'll be the guinea pig and offer up my movie blog first. So, whether you're a loyal reader or a never-reader, go to Blog Cabins, familiarize yourself with it for a few minutes (if need be), then come back and leave whatever constructive criticism and/or comments that you have. It could be about anything: the design, widgets, content, features, name - you name it. Bottom line: how could this site be made better (if possible, haha)?

Site: Blog Cabins
LAMB#: 1

If you're up for this treatment for your site, send me an email with the subject "Bluster Me!" If this proves popular, we'll do this again soon.