LAMBs in the Director's Chair #1: Danny Boyle


My name is Paul, and I run Careful With That Blog, Eugene, a 2009 LAMMY award winning blog about movies, Chuck Norris, and whatever else I feel like rambling about.

Recently, on the LAMB Forums, Alex DeLarge of Korova Theatre suggested doing a monthly forum on a director, as voted on by you, the LAMBs, on the aforementioned LAMB Forums. After picking me to lead this project, a slight delay due to my going to a music festival, and a poll to decide who our first subject would be, we have a winner:

Danny Boyle

So how does this surefire, awesome idea work? Well, for three days (July 7-9), we, the LAMBs, will post about the work of Boyle, who recently hauled in a boatload of Oscars for Slumdog Millionaire. Think that movie was overrated? Really, really like Sunshine and hate that nobody saw it? Just want to write a review of Millions or praise Boyle for his ability to genre hop like a fiend?

Go for it. Write that post, any post, and send it to me at, and I'll link it here, at the LAMB.

Any questions? If not, here are some pictures for you to steal:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Large Association of Movie Blogs" src=""/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Large Association of Movie Blogs" src=""/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Large Association of Movie Blogs" src=""/></a>