Bonus, Time-sensitive PRESS RELEASE: We Live In Public

From The Hot Blog:

"Note To Bloggers
Yeah... this is inside baseball.

This Friday [September 25th], Ondi Timoner's We Live In Public will be doing a live stream showing of the film specifically for bloggers. They have gotten special dispensation from The Academy to do this, so as not to disqualify the film from doc consideration.

If you want to participate, please write to for a private password to the event.

Feel free to pass this information along to other bloggers who might be interested. Obviously, the filmmakers will have the right not to include someone they don't see as qualified, so don't be handing out the address on the 3rd Street Promenade. And as always, the best way to see any film is on a screen. But this seems like a unique situation and a unique thing in which to participate.

Now, back to regular programming..."

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, well don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details - I'll handle the rest.