I Apologize!

I know. I've been remiss in not posting more frequently. It's just been incredibly busy ever since I got back from Tokyo and while jet-lag was never an issue - a trip of that distance and quality somehow throws you off stride. But I'll keep trying.

Hands down the best show I've seen so far (outside of my own gallery) is the Lartigue show at the Howard Greenberg Gallery. Primarily composed of prints from the 1950s and 1960s, it captures the zest for life and movement that was Lartigue's great talent. There's a good selection of the iconic images, but also some new discoveries like the photograph above. Here are a few more (below) but if you're anywhere near New York you must catch the full show.

As usual, Kate Moss is always around somewhere. And with my new iPhone, which certainly takes better pictures than the original model, I'm free to snap away at whatever catches my eye. Heading into Crozier Art Storage a few days ago, here was their newly decorated truck. Those are Corinne Day's recent pictures of Kate commissioned by England's National Portrait Gallery.

A few blocks away on 22nd St.and all around the Chelsea/Meatpacking District - you'll see the work of this anonymous street artist/collagist. It's as good as anything in the galleries.

And here, again on 22nd Street is Anna Wintour. If you haven't seen "The September Issue" don't wait another minute. I found it both fascinating and incredibly well made. And not a dull moment.

Have you noticed how every other cab in New York is advertising strip clubs? I always wonder what a tourist to New York thinks. It's not as if this is what the city is known for. I guess the girl in the first two pictures below is doing double duty. So maybe the message is that if you work really hard in New York you'll succeed. Perhaps we need to inaugurate another blog search (as we did with Mannie Garcia) to find out who this hard worker is! Is this a stock photo that might pop up in ads in other cities or is she one of New York's finest?

And one last apology - or rather a warning. Edward Mapplethorpe e-mailed me recently to tell me that he was trying to show a client my blog, and while sitting at the computer with them he went to theyearinpictures.com - only to find the most pornographic site imaginable! He was duly embarassed.

When I started this blog, I remember checking the .com URL and it wasn't available, but it certainly wasn't anything X-rated. So please send your friends to theyearinpictures.net or the slightly less memorable pictureyear.blogspot.com.

Happy Fall!