Poll results; new poll

Pretty encouraging results from the last poll, as a solid 70% of respondents said "Yes!," they did submit noms for the LAMMYs. I completely understand the 12% that said "no time for love, Dr. Jones," and am okay with a scant 4% that weren't interested and 5% that forgot (not sure how that's possible, though - need I sent out more reminders? I'd think not.).

What I'm curious about is the 8% that said "no - other." What's the story there, folks, if you don't mind my asking?

New poll gauges your interest level in blog-a-thons. I've had a couple suggestions for future bloga-thons come up recently, and with the absence of both the LAMBlog-a-thon and the MOTM, I'm wondering if there isn't a bit of a void left unfilled. I'd think that the Director's Chair series and the Acting School series might fill these somewhat, but I understand that those mostly gather peoples' posts written from their past. I'm also wondering if the demise of TOERIFC hasn't left another void that the LAMB can help to fill.

How say you?