Classic Chops: June 2nd

First off, I want to offer up my profuse thanks to everyone who contributed links to this inaugural edition of “Classic Chops”—the amount of submissions received surpassed my wildest expectations. If you sent in a candidate and it didn’t make the cut this week, please don’t be discouraged. I got so many responses that I’ll be able to hold some of these over for next week…and possibly the week after that…and don’t let my unbridled optimism keep you continuing to nominate blog posts of a classic film nature. So without further ado (which always seems to imply that there was ado to begin with), it is my proud privilege to present this week’s “Classic Chops”:

Site Name: Film Forager
Submitted by: Film Forager

Site Name: The Ludovico Technique
Submitted by: The Ludovico Technique

Site Name: Screen Insight
Submitted by: Screen Insight

Site Name:
Submitted by:

Site Name: Cinema Viewfinder
Submitted by: Cinema Viewfinder

Site Name: The Robot Who Likes Pretty Things
Submitted by: The Robot Who Likes Pretty Things

Site Name: Just Chick Flicks
Submitted by: Just Chick Flicks

Site Name: Journalistic Skepticism
Submitted by: Encore’s World of Film and TV

Site Name: Where Danger Lives
Submitted by: Where Danger Lives

Site Name: Another Old Movie Blog
Submitted by: Another Old Movie Blog

Don’t forget—the deadline for next week’s submission is June 8th, 6:00pm EDT…and as always, comments, suggestions, tax questions and marriage proposals should be sent to me in care of Until next time…see you at the movies!