LAMBs in the Director's Chair
Event #8 starring Stanley Kubrick
June 8th to 10th of 2010
There is one particular scene from one of Stanley Kubrick’s films in need of being brought to your attention. It is relevant to the topic at hand for today. The scene is completely awe inspiring to me in terms of a technical standpoint. During the ninety seconds in which the scene unveils upon the screen, there is only a single character present for nearly the entire time and he does not say a single word. However, after viewing the scene the audience feels unnerved, even though nothing really happens. The audience is emotionally provoked. How is it possible? Why is the feeling of uneasiness specifically recalled by the scene? It is interesting to witness all the conversations that have revolved around this particular scene. By chance, are you able to guess what movie or scene that I am referring to here? I will let you know which one I am talking about in a moment, but first here are the contributions for the final day of the eight installment of the Director’s Chair series featuring the man with the plan: Stanley Kubrick. The first order of business would be a movie I was talking about in the report yesterday. Paths of Glory was released in 1957 with Kirk Douglas helming the lead role of the movie. It is the early flagship of the anti-war film within Kubrick’s career and I was considerably moved when I had watched it for the first time. We are fortunate enough to have the following review submitted for the film, which I recommend it to be read in addition to watching the movie if you have not seen it yet.
- A Life in Equinox (review)
- Dan the Man's Movie Reviews (review)
- Magic Lantern Film Blog (editorial)
- Foolish Blatherings (review)
- Dan the Man's Movie Reviews (review)
- My Floating Red Couch (editorial)
- The Incredible Suit (editorial)
- Cinemascope (review)
- Things That Don't Suck (editorial)
- Let's Not Talk About Movies (original review)
- Let's Not Talk About Movies (Part 1 of 2 editorial)
- Let's Not Talk About Movies (Part 2 of 2 editorial)
- Exodus 8:2 (Spanish editorial / review)
- Foolish Blatherings (review)
Some of the elements that appear in the scene which just blows my mind would include they way they were able to place the film camera so low to the ground and perform a tracking shot of the tricycle through the hotel without picking up any sounds other than the noise from the plastic wheels of the toy. In addition, have you noticed how perfectly even the lighting is through every hallway without a single shadow or extraneous sign of the film crew anywhere? Then there is the tense building of the notoriously evil hotel suite that is merely implied as evil by the creepy music, a random flash frame of the twin girls, and the lengthy gaze of an innocent child staring at the door. It is so simplistic on screen, but there is so much emotional power behind it that audience is effectively unnerved by what they are watching. Crazy stuff!
In conclusion, I would like to offer a bit of thanks to everyone who has participated in the Director’s Chair series and to those who continuously stop by to read the articles that I link to within every installment. Make sure to stop by later for the announcement of the ninth installment of the series, because it will be another round of fun and excitement for everyone.