PRESS RELEASE: Save the UK Film Council

Hi folks, Madgestic from Best For Films here.

As UK and perhaps worldwide film lovers will know, the UK Film Council is about to be scrapped. This isn’t great news, to be honest. Naysayers will say that it only helped produce a few good movies like Gosford Park anyway. That said, many of us are pretty steamed up about it and want to save the UK Film Council if we can.

Yes, there’ll still be funding dribbling in for film makers from here and there. But without a Council to form an umbrella over the funding and spending cuts being made in the UK left right and centre, we’re worried that the British film industry will be sidelined. Up and coming directors could stop getting the love they deserve. And they deserve so, so much love.

You can find out more about the UK Film Council being scrapped here:

And if you feel as strongly as us it would be so great if you could sign this petition here:

Nearly 4,500 signatures so far (that’s in 1 day) and we’ll definitely be taking it further!

Thanks and take care,


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