Hey guys! The Incredible Suit here (LAMB #451). Two things:
1. I've been nominated for Sky Movies' blog of the year and would love it if the rest of the LAMBs could get on board and give me a vote. Just go to this Facebook page: http://sky-fb.ip-seo.com/blog_award/pages/onemanbands.php and click 'Like' next to The Incredible Suit.
2. I'm putting together a blogging project whereby anyone who's interested writes something about one Bond film a month between now and the release of Bond 23 (22 months away, geddit?!) Details are here: http://theincrediblesuit.blogspot.com/2011/01/blogalongabond.html
I know it's all a lot to ask but it would be great if you'd help a LAMB out.
Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.