The LAMBs in the Director's Chair #14.2

The LAMBs in the Director's Chair

Event #14 starring Terry Gilliam
February 18th to 20th, 2011


Hey everyone it is D.J. Heinlein from the blog site Matte Havoc here to present to the second day of the fourteenth installment of The LAMBs in the Director's Chair series. One of my favorite films from the 1980s would be Terry Gilliam’s retro-future fantasy film Brazil (1985). Inspired by the song Aquarela do Brasil written by Ary Barroso the story centers around the character Sam Lowry, who is a notorious day dreamer and underachiever with the skills to excel at his work. Today we will be looking at a couple of reviews for the film in addition to a couple of the most famous Monty Python movies that Gilliam has been involved in co-directing.

REVIEWS FOR Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
REVIEWS FOR Brazil (1985)
REVIEW FOR Life of Brian (1979)
Cinema Sights

REVIEW FOR The Brothers Grimm (2005)
The Film Cynics

REVIEWS FOR Tideland (2005)