Event #14 starring Terry Gilliam
February 18th to 20th, 2011
Hey everyone it is D.J. Heinlein from the blog site Matte Havoc here to present to the third and final day of the fourteenth installment of The LAMBs in the Director's Chair series. It would be fitting to allow Terry Gilliam to directly explain the approach he takes when creating a new film or story to tell his audience:
I never wanted to make naturalistic films. I’ve always liked the idea that film is an artifice, and that this is admitted right from the start. So we create a world that isn’t true to a realistic naturalistic world, but is truthful. That is the main thing. I think it also comes from being a cartoonist. I’ve always abstracted. Cartoons always push toward the grotesque. You twist, you bend, you shape. Brazil is that way.The quote has been pulled from an interview with The Believer Magazine that had occurred at the 2002 Telluride Film Festival. The transcript for the entire interview can be read on the magazine's website.
REVIEWS FOR 12 Monkeys (1995)
REVIEWS FOR The Fisher King (1991)
REVIEWS FOR Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
REVIEW FOR The Meaning of Life (1983)
Bill's Movie Emporium