Director's Chair #3: Day Two

Classic film director Billy WilderHi, everyone! It's me, D.J. from Matte Havoc. Welcome to the second day of the third installment of The LAMBs in the Director’s Chair event hosted right here on the Large Association of Movie Blogs website! For event number three we are focusing upon the career of Billy Wilder. The man has proven to be a success story of the American dream when he began as a young Polish man interested in journalism before he worked his way into the creative industry of filmmaking. After working his way into the German film studios through a few connections that he had made there was an opportunity for him to move to America and begin working on Hollywood films. As mentioned on day one of the Director's Chair event the first American film that Mr. Wilder had directed was The Major and the Minor (1942). In the list of articles for today there is an included review of the film that has been written by Wendy for the website Movie Viewing Girl, so make sure to head on over to read that article. Without delaying anyone much further I would like to present the official list of articles for the second day of The LAMBs in the Director's Chair event.

Review of The Apartment (1960)
Published on Twenty Four Frames, written by John Greco.
Stumbling into the area of adding the unnecessary editorial I must say that The Apartment is one of my favorite films of all time starring Jack Lemmon. In his review of the film John talks about how this film was proof that Jack Lemmon was able to carry a film in a leading role without a glitch.
Review of Fortune Cookie (1966)
Published on Out Of The Past, written by Raquelle.
Trust me when I warn you that you will be starving after reading this review. Julia Child has a bit of competition here! In her review of the film Fortune Cookie there is only one creative way Raquelle has decided to approach describing the film and that is through the use of offering a yummy looking dinner recipe that you might have to try making at home.
Review of The Major and the Minor (1942)
Published on Movie Viewing Girl, written by Wendy Moon.
This article is a review of Wilder's directorial debut of an American film. Based upon a play written by Edward Childs Carpenter the romantic comedy film stars Ray Milland and Ginger Rogers. It is interesting to note that Wendy uses her review as an example to give classic films a moment of your time since it might be a gamble that will pay off in pure entertainment.
Review of The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
Published on Matte Havoc, written by D.J. Heinlein.
In part two of the short lived "Billy Wilder visits San Diego" series D.J. offers a review for the film The Spirit of St. Louis which stars Jimmy Stewart as the famous pilot Charles A. Lindbergh who built his iconic plan in San Diego, California that was the perfect piece of equipment for him to fly a solo across the Atlantic Ocean in thirty-three hours.
Review of One, Two, Three (1961)
Published on Film Forager, written by Alex.
So, what do you think of James Cagney as an corporate businessman, eh? Entirely skipping over his usual roles as a gangster and mafia thug. Alex writes about the politics of the film One, Two, Three and possible connections it may have with Germany's political history.
It is unbelievable that we are already two-thirds of the way finished with the third installment of The Director's Chair. However, there is no need to worry about running out of material since I have plenty of links to be posted for tomorrow's installment. Everyone should return to the same LAMB channel at the same LAMB time for the third day of fun.

For those of you who have procrastinated until the last possible second, which there might be one or two of you out there, I should mention that there is no need to worry about being disbarred from participating. If you have not yet sent in a link to your Billy Wilder themed articles then do so immediately! There is still a bit of room available for the last day of the event. Please do not hesitate to send in an article link by e-mail to mattehavoc (at) gmail (dot) com before this evening rolls around as that is when I will be going through final draft of tomorrow's list of articles to publish.

Do not forget to visit the original post for the third installment so that you may grab the HTML code for the promotional banners for the event if you have not placed one of them on your blog yet. The link for the promotional banner will redirect all the visitors to the Director's Chair series and will include all of the installments of the past and present. Make sure to tune in tomorrow morning by visiting the LAMB site for the third and final day of event number three of The LAMBs in the Director's Chair!