PLUG: Popcorn N Roses

Two projects we're working on right now, one of which is a sitewide project, and the other will specifically mention the LAMB.

#1 - we are actively seeking suggestions for young actors and actresses to include on the Fifth Annual Popcorn N Roses Rising Stars list. This list is watched by many industry insiders each year - imagine that! - and our short lists are rapidly filling up. But for the first time, we're asking other film fans to make suggestions as to who they'd like to see honored on this list. You can check out the most recent lists, and past years' lists as well, at We need any suggestions and submissions by May 15th, and they can be sent along to us at The Fifth Annual Popcorn N Roses Rising Stars list will be announced on July 4.

#2 - We are actively working on an exciting book project, projected to come out in late summer or early fall, that will be similar to our shows this past weekend, designed to help movie fans connect and be a part of an active film community both locally and online. We will DEFINITELY be including LAMB in this book, and would like to include as many member sites as possible. Who wouldn't want to be listed in a book? I know I sure would! Each member of LAMB who wants to be included (and we hope everyone will want to be - we will make room for EVERYBODY who sends a listing) should send me a brief email listing the name of the site, the web address, and a short, one-paragraph description of their site, less than 100 words, please. We will also be including other movie podcasts, so if any LAMB site does a podcast, they should indicate the same information for the podcast - Podcast name, site address, and brief description. Deadline on this is June 30, but the sooner the better! and I hope many people will be interested - the book is designed to connect movie fans around the world!


TC Kirkham
Webmaster, PNR Networks

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, well don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details - I'll handle the rest.