PLUG: Cinema Viewfinder

Fellow cinephiles,

I would like to invite anyone and everyone to participate in my second annual Labor Day blogathon running September 6 - 12. Last year's De Palma Blogathon was such a resounding success, I hope to make this an annual tradition, a transition from the commercial summer movie season into the start of the (hopefully) art-centered fall season. This year's featured director is David Cronenberg. The Canadian auteur has evolved quite a bit from his early days pioneering the "body horror" subgenre to become a recognized auteur focused more on the turmoil within.

Like last year, I would like to make Cinema Viewfinder a destination in order to give every submission a democratic opportunity to be read. I'd be happy to publish links to any previously published Cronenberg posts. But if you write a new piece, I hope you'll allow me to publish it here first before you cross post it on your own site. Send your contributions to this email address, please.

I am happy to accept entries from anyone. Unfortunately, I don't have e-mails for everyone whose blog I read. So in the interest of getting the word out, if you choose not to submit a piece, I request that you please help me promote this event at your own respective sites.

I hope to have all of you participate in some way.

Thank you,

Tony Dayoub
Cinema Viewfinder

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.