Angie and Chantale of here with a request! As some of you fellow Cin-Obs may know, we change our logo/header/caricature on a monthly basis. We've been Disney princesses, Star Wars peeps, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice, etc etc you get the idea! And... well... the next one is up to you!

So we're asking you to submit ideas!

Just go here and submit your idea in the comments! If you like one that's already been suggested, just second it! We'll be collecting your ideas until mid September, so there's time to think up a goodie!

Whichever idea wins will be sent to our friends at DimpleArt for the royal treatment!

Not only will there be major link-lovin' for the winner, but there will be a $20 gift certificate to The Cin-Ob Store!

Thanks for your help! We have faith you'll help turn us into something awesome!

Angie and Chantale, Cin-Ob Supremes

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.