LAMB Chops: September 7th

Site: Rachel's Reel Reviews
31 Day Movie Meme in One Day
Submitted by: Insight Into Entertainment

Site: The Dark of the Matinee
Back to Basics: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Submitted By: Bitchin' Film Reviews

Site: Rachel's Reel Reviews
Every Time Hollywood Pimps Out a Pretty Face, God Kills a Kitten
Submitted by: Cinema Obsessed

Site: M. Carter at the Movies
No. 43: Boogie Nights
Submitted By: Bitchin' Film Reviews

Site: Bloggin' Bin Revue
Mission Accomplished: THE GAUNTLET
Submitted by: Bargain Bin Review

Four out of five sent in stuff from other people! Awesome! Let's keep it up! If YOU want to send in a Chop, you can do the following:
1. Send it to
2. Use this format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted by:

3. Have them sent in by midnight Monday night EST!
4. I also need stuff for the Bloody Chops, so do the same thing as above but send them to and have those sent in by THIS friday, midnight EST.

Any questions, put them in the comment section. Thanks to everybody who sent stuff in!