PLUG: Invasion of the B Movies

Hey everybody! This is Jason from that one awesome website Invasion of the B Movies! Every October I do a horror-related blog-a-thon and this October is no different. Between October 1st and October 31st I shall be taking on the sub-genre "Zombies". Covering every zombie movie I can get my undead hands on. And I want-nay NEED-audience participation! If you want to join in on the fun, just write up a review for a b/bad/cult movie zombie flick and either send the review to me at invasionofthebmovies at gmail dot com or post it on your site/blog and send me the link. It's really that simple. So don't delay, act now because they're coming to get you Barbara! Or if you're a guy, Bob.

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.