Four people guessed the answer to the last quiz. There may even be a fifth person, because it seems to me I received another response. But I couldn't find it, so either I was hallucinating or I accidentally deleted it. If you submitted that missing answer, please let me know and I'll add your link to this page. (9/14/09 update: The mystery LAMB has been identified as Kirby Holt and his link has been added below.)
Here's the question again:
Name the movie that lists Melinda Dillon's name correctly in the opening credits but incorrectly in the ending credits, where she's listed as "Melinda Dillion."
The answer:
The movie is A Christmas Story. (It's never too early to start thinking about holiday movies!) I though it was interesting that the plot points about the tongue sticking to the flagpole and eating Christmas dinner in a Chinese restaurant were taken from A Christmas Story writer Jean Shepherd's book In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash, which was compiled from short stories he wrote for Playboy in the 1960s.
Here are the LAMBs who got it right:
Kirby Holt from Movie Dearest
T.L. Bug from The Lightning Bug's Lair
Fitz from Nevermind Pop Film
Rachel from Rachel's Reel Reviews
General Disdain from The Critical Critics
And a special thanks to Mike Everleth of, and for contributing additional information about this question.
Here's the next question:
Name the movie in which an actor whose birthday is at the end of this month (September) wears a wig made of his own hair.
Please include the following information in your response:
1. The movie name
2. Your name
3. Your blog name
4. Your blog URL
Send your submission to Carla of Tricky Movie Trivia at info[@] by midnight EDT September 25, 2009.
Good luck!
Comments will be closed to prevent inadvertent posting of the answer.
See all the other Stump the Lambs movie trivia quizzes.