PLUG: The Film Reel

On July 22nd, The Film Reel will be hosting a free screening of Night of the Living Dead Reanimated in Toronto, Ontario at the Toronto Underground Cinema at 9 PM. Now I realize not everyone lives up here in Canada but there is still a way you can help out.

Along with the screening we'll be accepting donations of DVDs for the local libraries. The libraries receive plenty of book donations but they don't get a lot of films donated. They also don't have the budget to purchase new DVDs. Anyone wanting to donate a DVD can get in touch with The Film Reel at with the subject NOTLDR DONATION.

This is a great chance for indie filmmakers, horror hosts and anyone else with a DVD to get it out there. By donating a DVD you will be exposing your own film to thousands and thousands of people as well as helping out a good cause.

I hope that anyone in the Toronto area will come out and join us and you can check The Film Reel for updates on the screening. If you can't make it out we would love for everyone to try and send 1 DVD for donation. Even a small amount of DVDs for donation would help out and if we can manage to get a large enough number we'll be able to donate to numerous branches of the library in the Toronto area instead of just one.

Hope to see some new people at the screening and see just who else is blogging in the local area!

Will Brownridge
The Film Reel

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.