PLUG: The Lightning Bug's Lair

Hello LAMBs

I just wanted to let you folks know about The Lightning Bug's Lair's Two Years, Too Awesome Giveaway running though the end of August. When I started The LBL, I had no expectations that anyone would read it at all, and so now I want to give back something to three special readers.

Here's all you have to do. Send an e-mail to me at with the subject line "Two years, Two Awesome" and just tell me briefly what your favorite post, feature, or segment has been your favorite in the last two years. I'll pick three lucky winners and here's what they get.

First Place- A DVD Copy of Sleepaway Camp (The first film reviewed on The Lair) and a DVD Copy of J-Men Forever (The film that inspired The Lightning Bug's Lair).

Second Place- A DVD Selection of Your Choice from the Vaults of Cinema De Bizarre

Third Place- A Pair of VHS Gems Straight from the Lair!

So there it is. I hope you'll all come by to enter. The deadline is Tuesday August 31st to enter. For more info on all the August events I've got going on check out the Two Years, Too Awesome post over at the LBL.


Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don't get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) - I'll handle the rest.